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Standing With You At The Throne

About Us

The 8th CEPAC Church of Atlanta is a vibrant and welcoming community of believers from all walks of life. Founded on the principles of Christ’s love, we are passionate about sharing the Gospel message and helping others experience the transformative power of faith. Our worship services are a celebration of God’s goodness, filled with contemporary music, inspiring messages, and a warm atmosphere where everyone feels welcome to express themselves freely in God’s presence.

We believe in the Bible as the foundation for our faith and teachings. Core to our beliefs is the belief in one God, the creator of all things, and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection, we are offered forgiveness and the promise of eternal life. We practice water baptism as a symbol of cleansing and a public declaration of our faith.


Beyond our Sunday services, the 8th CEPAC Church of Atlanta offers a variety of ministries to support and empower our congregation. Life Groups provide opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth, while our dedicated ministries serve men, women, youth, and children. We are committed to serving our community through acts of charity and social outreach, and believe in building bridges across cultures and backgrounds.

Whether you’re a seasoned believer or someone just starting to explore your faith, we invite you to join us at the 8th CEPAC Church of Atlanta. We offer a place where you can connect with God, grow in your faith, and find a supportive community. Come experience the love, joy, and hope that come from knowing Jesus Christ!